So, every player wants to get this famous dragon. The star dragon is rare in dragon city because of its appearance and characteristics. Ways to get a star dragon in dragon city: He understands it after his birth through proper training. The star dragon does not know the attacks at the time of birth. The four attacks are called the trainable attacks of the star dragon in dragon city, which it requires to learn. The base moves of the star dragon, which it already knows at the time of hatching, are as follows: Consequently, the Star Dragon is feeble to the accompanying elements of War and Metal. The primary part of a star dragon generally decides its weaknesses. The Star Dragon has Terra as its essential component in dragon city. Therefore, it can bargain substantial harm to different dragons in dragon city with basic Dark, Metal, Sea, and Electric components. The Star Dragon can be prepared with moves from 4 distinct component types in dragon city. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the star dragon in dragon city? The Star Dragon can likewise learn Electric moves. The star dragon is a rare dragon with the essential composing of Terra. This is the rare beginner dragon in the dragon city. Its appearance changed someplace in September 2017. The star dragon has the most appearances in Dragon City commercials. The star dragon is the 9th entry in the Novice Collection. The star dragon is a companion of all the other dragons in dragon city.